Later, with the aid of Old Kai, Goku regenerates his tail, which would poke out from his pants. While essentially looking the same as he did back then, Goku showed considerably more defined muscle. Due to the carelessness of Emperor Pilaf, Goku was wished back into a 12-year-old. His general outfit is a blue gi with a white knot-style obi, pink wristbands, ochre pants, and black kung fu shoes with white stockings, which overall is very similar to his outfit at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. The sleeves on his jacket has been folded into white cuffs. His farmer attire consists of light beige collared denim jacket with a white scarf around his neck and a charcoal gray short sleeved undershirt, light beige pants with a black belt around his waist and black boots. When returning home to prepare for the androids, Goku wore a outfit similar to one from his youth a white tank top with periwinkle Chinese pants with a white sash and purplish brown toe shoes and white socks. link of download: gsu.st gobh credits to : rvl gamer mugen char goku ultra instinct perfect by knightmare404 ▻ downloads ◅ ○ goku ui perfect: download : mediafire file zm4sf3jjfmn5zjx gokumigatte ex.rar others chars: final battle between beerus and goku, with both of them utilizing their max ultra instinct powers and going all out.Despite his fighting gi being his preferred look, Goku is not without other types of wardrobe, such as a suit and tie, casual clothes like blue pants with a button-down red shirt, or an orange and black jacket with a white sleeveless undershirt, light green pants and brown shoes. Link: mediafire file 3vc40bu knightmare404 channel author knightmare404 ( download ) char mediafire file 3vc40bufpu1x8hv goku ui.rar file subscribe for link: mediafire file 3vc40bufpu1x8hv goku ui.rar credits: mikel8888 (some codes & fx) aagus (sprites) rvl link of download mediafire file 3vc40bufpu1x8hv goku ui.rar file channel of knightmare 404 download do char: sprysphere 8pqy canal do knightmare goku v5.2 jus all form base, hakai, ssj, ssj3, ultra instinct, mater ultra instinct form mugen ▻ author breaker descripciòn creditos creator goku uim:viniciusonico and revolution gamer creator jiren:mikel8888 (mikel gonzalez) mugen char dragon ball super goku ultra instinct perfect by knightmare404 ▻ downloads ○ goku ui perfect: subscribe,like,comment,share. Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct Jus Char Mugen By Knightmare404